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MARTINI Bianco is a white vermouth that has a unique base made from white wines and extracts of aromatic herbs and flowers. This white vermouth offers soft vanilla notes and a recognizable taste.
Italian vermouth that has a unique base made from white wines, like Trebbiano This white vermouth is graced with an aroma of herbs and flowers Pair this aperitivo with rough chunks of Grana Padano cheese and sweet, olive oil drizzled red and yellow peppers to enhance the experience Best served 50:50 with tonic water over ice to create a MARTINI Bianco and Tonic Every drop of grape juice used in the production of MARTINI vermouth and sparkling wines is sourced from certified sustainable wineries MARTINI Bianco Vermouth Aperitivo is 15% alcohol by volume
Bacardi-Martini Ltd 12 Francis Street London SW1P 1QN
To ensure this wine is consumed at its best, please see best before date on: Back of Label